Wiki as the name suggests is a type of content that is unique and novel. Wiki submissions allow you or clients to submit novel and unique content for content syndication. Content syndication is a type of syndication in which your substance accessible starting with one site then onto the next site. Wiki
submission is the effective marketing strategy and the good social proof and might get visitors to trust you more easily. If you really want to increase traffic to your website or blog do wiki submission which creates a reputation for your work and builds a business.
Wiki entries are the best option for the website admin who can utilize these famous platforms so that they must have a chance to rank well in search engines. It is the most effective way of boosting website traffic. Although this approach takes time to show the result and if you do this right way this can lead to sustainable business and traffic to your website. All you can do is always make appropriate content so that more and more users visit your website. When engaged customers share your content the trust in your brand is increases as well as the perceived value of your work.
What exactly are Wiki Submission sites in SEO?
Wiki submission sites are the most visited website in the world, providing unbiased information to unique visitors a day. They are an online traffic source, so why you should wait just take the advantage of wiki sites, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. There are many people who wonder about using a wiki for SEO.
Generally, when you search something wiki sites always come in top five search result. Because they provide valuable neutral and accurate information to the users. The content, tags, and pictures that they use on their websites are up to the mark. So before taking advantage of wiki sites, there are some things you have to know.
Wiki Submission
How to select proper Wiki Submission sites for SEO?
There are many criteria for selection of the best Wiki Submission site. Some of the important criteria are as follows:
1. High traffic: Wiki submission sites are the most popular source of traffic for any blogger or site owner. Traffic from these sites targeted and can be converted easily. Here are some benefits which may help you to understand why to choose wiki sites for SEO perspective.
2. Domain Authority: Domain Authority is the score given to a website based on the relevance of the content of that website with respect to its field. High Domain Authority indicates that the website is popular and highly rated on the Internet.
Benefits of using Wiki Submission sites:
1. Backlinks: It is easier to earn quality backlinks from Wiki Submission sites as they have high Domain Authority and are also popular on the Internet. So you can expect the search engines to increase the rank of your website in SERP if your website has good quality backlinks from Wiki
Submission sites.
2. Boost traffic: Similar to backlinks, Wiki Submission sites attract a large number of Internet users to their websites. Hence submitting your unique and novel content on Wiki Submission sites can invite a huge number of audience to your website if you have added a reference to your website in the
content submitted to the Wiki Submission sites.
3. Popularity: If you write good quality content and submit it on a popular Wiki submission site, then there is a good chance of you becoming popular on the Internet. This is because your content is good which the user would like of course, and second thing is that Wiki submission sites are inviting a
huge audience to their websites thereby making you or your website popular on the Internet.
Some of the best and free Wiki Submission sites are as follows:
1. WikiBooks: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page
2. WikiSpot: http://wikispot.org/
3. BluWiki: http://bluwiki.com/go/Main_Page
4. WikiHow: https://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page
5. MediaWiki: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
6. WikiSpaces: https://www.wikispaces.com/
7. WikiDot: http://www.wikidot.com/
8. Wikipedia: https://www.wikipedia.org/
9. Wikia: http://www.wikia.com/fandom
10. LibrePlanet: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Main_Page