Video [Updated-2025]





High PR Video Submission Sites List


Most of the website owners know about using SEO to make their websites rank at a higher position in the search engine results. There are plenty of methods available within SEO for a website owner to promote their website. Some of the SEO methods cost a more while some are not able to generate the required traffic for the website. Rest among these SEO methods, promoting your website through videos can be a good idea. Since, now a days, most of the people are hooked to OTT platforms because they can stream the content they require whenever they want, online video streaming platforms like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc. Majority of the Internet users would prefer visual content over written content, and that is where the video submission comes in the picture. Video Submission is also used by most of the website or business owners to increase the online presence and to promote their website or business online on the Internet. But is video submission that much effective to gain a large number of audience for your website?

Is it worth investing time and money on video submission sites? How can video submission help your website to make its place on the Internet? What are the benefits of video submission?

If you are also having such questions about the effectiveness of video submission, then you have came to the right place. This article will try to solve all
your queries related to using video submission as an effective method for SEO.



Best Video Sites
What is Video Submission?

Video submission is the process of submitting videos on the websites specifically made for the purpose of promoting your website or business. Video submission is a quick and effective way of advertising your website or business online, as compared to digital marketing which requires huge fees to be paid to the digital marketing companies or experts to optimize your website or to promote your business.

Using Video Submission for your website promotion:

There are series of steps that you need to follow to make sure that you submit your video created for promotion of your website on the right platform (video submission site). Follow the below steps serially which will make sure that you get maximum benefit out of your video submission:
1. Creation: Creating a good video is essential to engage the users to watch your videos. Since most of the Internet users prefer short ad videos because they consume less time, if your video is too long and makes the user feel bored, then you better change the length of your ad video. Remember that video submission is an alternative to traditional advertisements that depend on banners, brochures, etc. so make sure that your video is appealing to the users.
2. Catchy title: Title is what the users will see first before watching your video. So, make sure that the title of your video is in such a way that it would make users to click the title and watch your video.
3. Site selection: This step will decide the number of users that would be affected by your videos. Selecting a good, popular and highly rated video submission site as a platform to submit your website promotion videos can help your website to pull a significant amount of traffic to your website. This would also help your website to increase its SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Hence, make sure that you select a popular and highly rated video submission or sharing site as your platform.
4. Correct details: Make sure that you provide your information accurately on the video submission site so that you can be able to communicate with them if necessary. Also make sure to mention your website or business in a proper way in your video and don’t forget to add contact information of yours in the video if necessary.



Best Video Sites

Benefits of Video Submission sites:

There are many benefits of using video submission sites as a means of promoting your website or business online, but some of the major benefits that would help your website or business to make its place on the Internet are as follows:
1. Larger Audience: In this digital era, most of the Internet users prefer content streaming digitally like OTT platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, etc., online video streaming platforms like YouTube, Dailymotion, etc. Hence, the advertising methods have also shifted towards video submission sites.
This is because video submission sites see a large number of users browsing through their website which makes the ultimate aim of the website owners promoting their websites quite easy.
2. Quality backlinks: Submitting videos on video submission sites can help your website or business to earn backlinks. Backlinks are the links to your website that are referred by another user or website. Having backlinks increases the chances of getting ranked at a higher position in your website’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
3. Trust building: Creating a video that gives the users a view of your genuine products and services can help your website or business to create a trust among the users regarding your website or business. Trust building is important because if a user has trust in your website, then there are chances of that user referring to others about your website or business helping you to increase your customer base.
4. Brand building: As mentioned above, video submission can help you to create trust among the Internet users regarding your website or brand. If your brand needs a large number of audience, then video submission can help your brand to be popular and highly rated on the Internet.



Some of the best and popular video submission sites in India are as follows:

1 Rediff ( 84 65
2 Hulu ( 91 81
3 AOL ( 99 86
4 Vimeo ( 99 98
5 Dailymotion ( 96 82
6 Twitch ( 93 88
7 Netflix ( 93 83
8 Flickr ( 100 94
9 YouTube ( 100 97
10 Google Plus ( 100 97

Every single site or businesses need their site to rank at the top of Google SERP. But without doing effective and structured Search Engine Optimization  (SEO) it’s difficult to rank and bring regular traffic to your site. Each and every website owner wants their website to rank in the top searches of Google. Although, Search Engine Optimization is there to make it happen and get engagement and traffic to your website. But, do you wish to boost your Google page ranking by sharing on Video submission sites list and video sharing sites list? Videos can get more leads than an ordinary post and not this can give credibility, organic traffic, backlinks, and visibility. You have produced a Best video for your audience. You’ve embedded it in the perfect place on your  The site and sharing it all over your marketing channel. Now you should put that video all over the web as much as you can, to get the most eyes on it. If you are ready to promote your website in the digital world, start doing with video submission sites list and video sharing sites list and see great results. There are many free video sharing sites list and video submission sites also allowing you to rank your page due to their brand name and popularity.




High-quality backlinks to your website.

1. Helping with valuable backlinks for bloggers and web owners, Video sharing sites list and video submission sites list can help you make the most of your marketing strategy.
2. Helping you gain revenue to a great extent, people who are watching videos wouldn’t miss a chance to pay a visit to your website and check out new videos. This is indeed the most appealing and convenient way to get exposure to the online world.
3. Regularly staying active on social networking sites can help you get more attention and give you an opportunity to communicate with the audience about your products or services.
4. A chance to spread your message to larger audiences through video submission sites list and video sharing sites list, which is the easiest way to entice viewers and increase the traffic, Video submission sites list help you promote and build your brand.
5. A successful video can attract the attention of the audience in 10-15 seconds. Don’t waste time on longer videos which can take away the viewers. Your video should not go beyond 5 minutes to make an impression on the audience with the help of video submission sites.
6. Submitting your videos to free video Submission sites list and video submission sites list will help promote your business and in return get quality
backlinks. This will certainly benefit your business and help you create brand awareness.
7. Helping you increase your customer base by making a professional video with genuine products and services, it will build trust if you start putting up customer feedback. This way the popularity of your video will increase every day.
8. Create a video and upload on quality PR video sharing sites list and video submission sites list that can increase your user engagement and boost bounce rate. High PR video submission sites can help you get visibility in search engine result pages, unlike other websites.
9. Driving traffic to your website, there are many free video sharing sites list and video submission sites list where you can upload a good quality video and convey to the audience what you wish something important.



Why Should Use Video Submission Sites?

Peoples feel more relax & Comfortable watching Videos compared to content Reading.
Many of the users don’t like to read long posts.
Videos are easier to watch & compatible with various devices.
One single video worth approx 1 lakh words.
Videos are more interesting & engaging compared to the contents.
Most of the People, like sharing videos with family, friends & their social media profiles.
Videos are the most attractive & short method to promote business.
Quality videos are more trending nowadays.

Why are videos so important?

Videos submission can play a crucial role in your website promotion. This technique will give you instant results by increasing your website traffic and quality backlinks. And once you have access to some high pr video submission sites, your work becomes easier. The list of top video submission sites is given below where you can upload your videos easily.

Things to consider for the video submission

There are some important things to be considered while doing video submission. You should take care of the below things every time you post a new video.




Why are videos so important?

1. Videos submission can play a crucial role in your website promotion. This technique will give you instant results by increasing your website traffic and quality backlinks. And once you have access to some high pr video submission sites, your work becomes easier. The list of top video submission sites is given below where you can upload your videos easily.
2. Create videos that are more likely to be viral instantly.
3. Tell the viewers to like and share the videos
4. Make informative and to-the-point videos related to your industry
5. Do not post random videos picked from anywhere from the internet.
6. Fill your website or article link in the description of your video

Benefits of video submission sites?

Now you know that video submission is the best way to create quality backlinks and drive traffic to your blog and websites. But it is only possible when you post your videos on high DA, PA video submission sites. The benefits of using this method are as follows.

1. It builds high-quality backlinks for your website
2. It can generate a productive audience for your services
3. Video is the best way to convey a message or introduce people with new services
4. It is the best way to get authority backlinks
5. Videos will drive relevant traffic to your websites or posts.
6. There are many other benefits of video submission over other SEO techniques. If you use the full strength of video submission, it can give you the desired results which you want from your SEO campaigns.



What is a video submission site list?

If you want to promote your website in the online world, it is good to opt for video submission strategies. In this article, we will give you a list of top
video submission sites where you can publish your videos and create quality backlinks for your websites. In this competitive world, you should go with the latest techniques to effectively run your businesses. If we talk about SEO, it has been developed a lot and video submission is its new wing giving ways to improve search rankings and grow our businesses. Video is also capable to give you more organic traffic, visibility, and credibility.

Top Video Sharing Sites List


