Digital Marketing Tool Box [Updated-2025]






Digital Marketing Tool Box

Businesses, be it small or large, require some type of marketing to keep themselves running or else might vanish. Earlier, when the Internet was just introduced, the cost of the Internet was too high. So, not every business could afford to make the online presence of their businesses. Hence, most of the marketing in the early decades of the Internet was mostly offline. But since the usage of the Internet has been increasing daily tremendously, each and every person is going online. Hence most of the work that people used to do offline, is now done online. Similarly, marketing a business, which is the most important aspect of promoting a business, is also done online. Such type of online marketing is called as digital marketing. Digital marketing includes everything that is required by the businesses to develop their presence on the Internet right from creating a business website to optimizing it in such a way to achieve a higher rank in search results online, to reaching up to every person available on the Internet. Neither running a business is an easy task nor digital marketing. Hence to save the time of businesses to make their presence online through digital marketing to expand their businesses, some of the companies that provide online services to the businesses have created different digital marketing tools that are required by businesses worldwide to do their digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Tool Box

Let us focus on some of the benefits of digital marketing:

1. Reaching the right people:

Since the Internet is used worldwide by most people for their day too- day activities, it is evident that the Internet has become an essential part of everyone’s life. So, using the Internet as a gateway to promote your business and to reach a maximum number of people that can be your possible customers, makes the tedious task of offline promotion or advertising your business easy. Generally, nowadays, even if businesses try to do offline marketing like in the form of brochures or pamphlets, it won’t be of much use because people are constantly online and have learned to ignore any sort of thing that appears to them as an advertisement. Hence, digital marketing helps businesses to reach the maximum number of people.

2. Accurate results:

Digital marketing gives accurate results to the businesses using them by using certain digital marketing tools. This helps the businesses to get to know about their target audience that would make the businesses profitable.

1. Google Analytics: A digital marketing tool from the giant search engine company itself. What could any business want? True to its name, Google Analytics helps the businesses to scale their level of business accordingly to their audiences, gives insights of website performance, including audience’s activity like how many Internet users have viewed your website, popular keywords that could be used to increase your website’s ranking in the search results. This tool is free to use.

2. Vid IQ Vision YouTube: This digital marketing tool is useful for those businesses that advertise their businesses online in the form of digital media like videos rather than websites. This tool is actually a browser extension that is useful for the businesses to digital marketing on YouTube, the second largest search engine after Google. Much like Google Analytics, this tool suggests you the different techniques that make a video go viral over the Internet and also how to optimize your videos like using a specific keyword for your video title to get more views, etc. This tool is free to use.

3. This online digital marketing tool is used to gain information about other website’s marketing information like that website’s traffic sources, marketing strategies, etc. This digital marketing tool, in short, provides an insight into any website that you wish and provides you with the total analysis of that website.

4. Facebook’s Power Editor: This digital marketing tool is the social media giant Facebook’s own tool for creating and running digital advertising campaigns. This tool is good if you are ready to shell out some money for your business’ marketing. Since most of the social media platforms earn their revenue through digital advertising, Facebook is no exception. This is what makes Facebook a good platform for digitally marketing your business. Since Facebook’s user base is spread all across the globe, and if you digitally market or advertise your business online through Facebook, there is a good chance of increasing your customers. This tool allows you to target each and every Facebook user present within your defined area of marketing depending on your business’ budget digital marketing budget.

5. Twitter Native Platform: Another major social media platform is Twitter. Most of the high profile people all around the world use Twitter for their businesses, as well as for global and local affairs. Since this social media platform also earns its revenue through advertising, it would be a good idea if you advertise your business online on Twitter. This tool gives you the ability to target certain keywords related to your business so that whenever someone types that keyword, the details of your business would also be mentioned alongside. This is a paid tool.

6. Google Keyword Planner: This digital marketing tool is also from Google. This tool suggests you the keywords or blog topics related to your business. It also lets you see which keyword is most frequently used in Google searches which is good if you want to do SEO.

7. Uber Suggest: This digital marketing tool also suggests keywords related to your business giving you the details that which keyword is used for which Google search query thus allowing you to select a keyword that is used frequently in Google searches.

8. This tool is used to design advertisement graphics for your business. This tool is easy to use and allows the user to be a designer to create different social media graphical posts, marketing materials, Facebook posts, graphics for your business blog, etc.

Digital Marketing Tool Box

Other digital marketing tools:

1. AdRoll:
2. GetResponse:
3. ReTargeter:
4. Optimizely:
5. Visual Website Optimizer:

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