
Most of the internet users who own or run a website know about SEO like for what SEO is used, how SEO can help to improve the ranking of the website in search results, etc. There are various methods available to increase the ranking of your website in the search results or to promote your website as much as possible to reach maximum number of users on the Internet. Among the different methods of promoting your website, article submission is still used today as an effective method for off-page SEO. But what exactly is article submission and how can it help your website to improve its ranking in the search results to reach maximum number of results? If you also want to promote your website to the maximum level to reach maximum number of Internet users, then article is for you.
What is Article Submission?
Article Submission is a method of writing the articles that are relevant to your specific field of interest and then publishing or submitting it on specific websites called article submission sites. Article submission allows you to include the link of your website in the article to promote your website that you are going to submit to the article submission website.
Where can I submit my articles?
Just like there exist different types of websites such as business listing websites that have the information of businesses available in the selected area, directory listing website that contain the links of various websites according to the user’s choice, there exists websites for publishing your article called as article submission sites. These sites allow their users to submit their articles authored by them to be listed on their website so that users browsing through their site can read about various articles on article submission sites.
Benefits of Article Submission sites:
1. Free digital advertising: One of the major point of writing articles and submitting it to the article submission websites is that if you own or run a website especially business websites which continuously requires more number of users to browse through your website, then you can include reference or link to your website in your article that you are going to submit on the article submission site, so that anyone reading the article will come to know about your website and would help your website to gain more number of users and higher ranking in the search results. Thus article submission sites helps you to advertise your website on the article submission sites.
2. Boost in your company’s credibility: All the articles that are available on the Internet contain the name and description of the article’s author at the bottom of the article. You can also mention your name and short description below your article that will be submitting on the article submission site. This would also help you to increase your popularity on the Internet if you write good articles. Another technique is that you can also add specific keywords that are related to your website. This would also help in search results rankings as they are mostly dependent on the keywords. You can also include links to your website as a reference in your articles which would help you to increase the incoming web traffic of your website.
3. Revenue and leads generation: If you own a business or brand but don’t have any website for that on the Internet, then article submission sites can help you to generate leads for your business. If you mention some information about your business for the target audience that would make your business or brand viral on the Internet. This would help your business or brand to generate more revenue as in the you would be using the Internet to drive more number of audience to your business or brand.
How to make your article stand different from others?
There several factors that decide the position and ranking of your article on article submission websites. Some of the important factors are listed below:
1. Content: Now, this is most important part of your article, without which your article won’t even exist. Writing concise, innovative and creative articles can help your articles to differentiate themselves from other articles. This would also help you to engage more number of users to read your article which would in turn help you to promote your website or business.
2. Keywords: Including specific keywords related to your website, business or brand can help your article to be suggested by the search engines to the user as we know that search engines use keywords to determine the rank of websites. So, make sure that you include limited number of keywords in your article. Just make sure that you don’t add too many keywords in your article, which would cause the search engine to decrease the rank of your article in search results due to unnatural optimization.
3. Publishing medium: Including keywords and writing good innovative and creative articles would help your article to stand out from other articles, but it would be of no use if you choose an article submission site that is not popular on the Internet. Hence, always choose an article submission site that is both popular and high rated on the Internet, so that your articles would be visible at a higher position in the search results.
Some of the free article submission sites as per their Page Ranking (PR) are as follows:
Links Are :-
1- https://blogs.findermaster.com
2- https://article.advertiseera.com
3- https://articles.h1ad.com
4- https://blog.giganticlist.com
5- https://story.wallclassifieds.com
6- https://article.classifiedsfactor.com
7- https://blog.freeadstime.org
8- https://blog.shopolop.com
9- https://www.ologames.com
10- https://www.bloggersroad.com
1- https://articles.h1ad.com
2- https://blog.giganticlist.com
3- https://story.wallclassifieds.com
4- https://article.classifiedsfactor.com
5- https://www.bloggersroad.com
1 Look4it (http://look-4it.com/)
2 KnowHowNow (http://knowhow-now.com/)
3 UltimateArticleDirectory
4 SmallBizArticles (http://smallbizarticles.com/)
5 PubArticles (http://pubarticles.com/)
6 Warticles (http://warticles.com/)
7 Articles Factory (http://articlesfactory.com/)
8 Other Articles (http://otherarticles.com/)
9 Readez Archive (http://readezarchive.com/)
10 Articles Base (http://articlesbase.com/)
11 Article City (http://articlecity.com/)
12 EzineArticles (http://ezinearticles.com/)
13 NewsVine (http://newsvine.com/)
14 Tumblr (http://tumblr.com/)
Free article submission sites
Article submission websites
Article submissions sites
Free article submission
Free article posting sites
Article posting website